
Why Use COLLECTaDEBTpro to collect unpaid invoices?

Why Use COLLECTaDEBTpro to collect unpaid invoices?
If you are looking for a cost-effective alternative to claims court, solicitors, or handing your debt over to a collections agency, take a look at the benefits of using CollectaDebtPro.
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5270 Hits

UK SMEs face further squeeze in unpaid invoices

UK SMEs face further squeeze in unpaid invoices
Recent industry studies continue to highlight that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across the UK continue to face lengthy delays for invoice payments as challenges continue to rise.

The impact of late payments has been felt across the country, with SMEs reporting over a third (36%) of payments taken in an average month, as being late. These late payments are causing UK SMEs billions of losses at any one time.
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5235 Hits

7 Simple Steps To Getting PAID ON TIME!

Why is there such a stigma attached to debt collection?

If you have provided a product or service that has cost you time, resources and money, surely it shouldn’t be awkward or embarrassing to ask for payment!

Here are 7 simple steps that you should take when you provide a product or service that is paid for at a later date.
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636 Hits

COLLECTaDEBTpro offers a ‘value for money’ solution

COLLECTaDEBTpro offers a ‘value for money’ solution which can work with all small to medium enterprises (SMEs) existing or new collection procedures to improve the delinquency of their customers' debt. Therefore, quickly supporting positive cash flow and enhancing their debt recovery process. Clear and defined strategies could be the difference between success and failure.

Our highly successful and low fixed fee, cost effective model, slashes the prices you are currently paying and confronts the most critical concern all businesses face on a day to day basis. If used in the early stages, our processes will support continued growth and development for your business.

If you would like more information on how COLLECTaDEBTpro can best be utilised, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or register online here.
5485 Hits

5 Benefits of Outsourcing Debt Recovery

All businesses are fighting to maximise profits, but keeping up-to-date with accounts receivable is often difficult, especially when it comes to debt collection. The process can be time-consuming and even embarrassing; and can often result in losing your customer for good because it becomes personal. There is also a perceived expense to outsourcing debt collection that leads many businesses to just simply accept the loss.

If you have been considering outsourcing the collection of late payments, let’s look at some of the benefits:
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9778 Hits

How can I maintain control of my outsourced debt recovery?

Have you outsourced unpaid customer accounts to a debt collection agency (DCA) before and found that you then spend valuable hours chasing the progress of their activity?

Should you relinquish complete control of recovering unpaid debt to an outsource partner?

We don’t think so! We think you should insist on retaining control and have oversight of the communications being sent to your customers at all times. After all, they are YOUR customers.
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6573 Hits

Reduce the Cost of Debt Collection

Reduce the Cost of Debt Collection
The quickest and simplest way for any company to save significant money and give their cash flow an immediate boost is to introduce a cost-effective, compliant and controllable late payment/bad debt strategy into their business-as-usual processes.

It might come as a surprise to you to learn that up to a third of firms are forced to write off thousands in unpaid invoices every year because they are too embarrassed to chase their unpaid invoices. In addition, approximately 85% of businesses do not utilise statutory late payment legislation to help cover the cost of collection activity. COLLECTaDEBTpro provides a simple and cost-effective solution that can instantly address these worrying statistics.
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5589 Hits

Recovery of Low Balance Invoices

Recovery of Low Balance Invoices
Nearly every company has the problem of late payments and most will have existing internal and external processes in place to minimise their bad debt. However, when it comes to low balance cases, E.G. £50 or under, many companies will simply write them off or make minimal effort to collect the debt.

The reason for this is commercially obvious, the cost to collect in terms of fees, time, and resources are all major barriers that many companies struggle to overcome.

If there was an answer to the collection of low-balance invoices, would you be interested?
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9030 Hits

Five key reasons why businesses fail

On average, around 20% of all start-ups fail within their first year of business and 60% do not make it to year 3. This is a dramatic statistic, and one that may become worse as economic uncertainties grow.

Running a business is not for the faint of heart; entrepreneurship is inherently risky. Successful business owners must possess the ability to mitigate company-specific risks while simultaneously bringing a product or service to market at a price point that meets consumer demand levels.

To safeguard a new or established business, it is necessary to understand what can lead to business failure and how each obstacle can be managed or avoided altogether.
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5763 Hits

Always great to receive fantastic feedback...

Always great to receive fantastic feedback...
In my 30 years working in business (with the last 20 years as a Finance Director), I have used many debt collection agencies and factoring companies to assist with our credit control function. Every time I was underwhelmed with the services provided and I could never justify the fees charged. COLLECTaDEBTpro has completely changed my perception of how an outsourced company can add significant value to the credit control and cash flow of the businesses I operate.

I was surprised at the ease of use of the online portal and the fact that every stage was fully visible, which is rare and refreshing. No control is relinquished and my credit control teams retain full ownership of which debts are loaded and how they are managed. There are simplistic dashboards that provide real-time updates; and with COLLECTaDEBTpro doing all the heavy lifting, it enables the credit controllers to spend more time speaking with clients, resolving issues and finalising payments.
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5652 Hits

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